How to spray paint your hobby lobby Featured

How to spray paint your hobby lobby

How to spray paint your hobby lobby: A comprehensive painting guide


Are you an art and craft freak? Planning to play with color for your hobby lobby? What are you waiting for? Let’s start! We’ll provide a comprehensive guide about How to spray paint your hobby lobby.

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A customized hobby lobby is a unique dream for craft enthusiasts, consisting of a wide range of items that can be decorated and transformed into a personal touch of art. So, spray painting your hobby lobby can be a great decision. Whether you want to update your decoration, update the furniture, or add a creative touch to it, spray painting can be handy.

Spray painting is an innovative and cost-effective way to renovate your hobby lobby. In this following discussion on How to spray paint your hobby lobby, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on this exciting subject to make your desired lobby into an artistic piece and Let’s get it on!

What Will You Need

  • Selecting Spray Paint: Selecting accurate spray paint is the first job to do. There are many varieties of spray paint options for every type of work. Firstly, consider what kind of surface you will work on. Is it a wood painting, metal painting, or brick wall painting? Spray paint will be selected based on that surface actually. High-quality spray paint is mandatory, as it provides better durability and smooth work.
  • Primer: Primer is essential to start with spray paint. Choosing the primer based on the surface is a must. It also depends on the type of spray paint you are using. Priming makes the paint adhere more perfectly and creates a smooth finish.
  • Masking Tape and Drop Clothes: Masking tapes will prevent painting unwanted parts of the wall. Drop cloths will be required to cover the other things to be sprayed on.
  • Protective gears:Protective gears will save you from the paint and other particles. Gloves, Masks, and goggles can be vital in this sense. These will also give comfort to your overall artwork.

How to spray paint your hobby lobby

Spray paint is an enjoyable and versatile method of your creativity. As you are headed toward the query How to spray paint your hobby lobby, you’ll need to follow the exact step-by-step instructions.

Here, we will uncover the comprehensive guide about How to spray paint your hobby lobby.

Plan your project 

Any successful project lies in the proper and careful initial plan. The plan has to be well-thought-out. Some questions could arise in this matter, like “What do you want to create?” “How should you start with?” etc. You can use a graph of the plan or a catalog. You need to imagine how your wall of the lobby will look after the paint. There could arise a situation when you will need to rearrange the furniture and decoration of your lobby if it is required. Make a list of the spray paint colors and other materials that you need to buy before starting.

Prepare your work area

Prepare the workplace where you want to paint. As we all know, spray painting can get messy. So when you start wondering How to spray paint your hobby lobby.  you need scrap cloths and newspapers to cover the place. Lay down those to protect the surface. As it is in your lobby, make sure that you have enough ventilation and air supply.

Choose a suitable surface

Different types of surfaces require different approaches. If the wall is brick-made, you need to choose the paint accordingly. Other than this, it could be wooden, metallic, etc. Ensure that you are using the suitable primer and paint according to the surface.

Clean the surface 

Before applying any paint on the surface, make sure the wall is cleaned correctly, smooth, and ready for the paint. This will help the paint to set the property and get the best result. Any dust on the wall can cause uneven paint. You can use brushes, cloths, or sandpaper to clean the surface and make it smooth. It enables you to have a smooth canvas for professional-looking paint.

Masking and taping

The spray-painting project needs various patterns, and thus, it needs to protect some areas from the fumes of the can. Mask and tape those areas from unwanted paint splashes.

Applying primer

To get the optimal result, apply a primer according to the surface of the wall. Primer makes the wall ready for taking the paint. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to know more about this. Applying those, you can have a perfect painting.

Shake the paint can

When we talk about How to spray paint your hobby lobby, handling the can gets a lot of priority. Shake the paint can every time before you start drawing. This will ensure the spray paint solution gets more even and comes out properly from the aerosol can.

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Test on a scrap surface 

Before applying paint to the main subject (wall), test on a scrap place to try the color and quality of the paint. Also, it will prepare you for the main artwork. However, practicing on a scrap surface is only for the experience you get from it to apply in the central place.

Maintain the proper distance

Hold the spray paint can tightly and stand at least 8-12 inches away from the wall to get the best shot of the paint. If you go far from that, you’ll get thick lines of paint. And close to that causes thin dark lines.

Apply multiple thin coats

Don’t go for one heavy coat. Apply multiple thin coats to get some layer on the paint. This is a fundamental spray-painting trick. As we are heading towards the query of How to spray paint your hobby lobby, we need to learn every part and parcel of the matter.

Use templates and stencils

Stencils and templates add intricate design to your paint. This technique enables you to get the shadow and highlight effect of the art. Moreover, using these, you can get more clean and clear lines.

Experiment with techniques

Try various spray painting techniques. Feel free to try new designs and patterns in your spray paint. Try creating gradients, layering colors, and different angles.

Allow proper drying time

Give enough time for the art to be dry. This is basic. After every coat of paint, you need to wait for the paint to be dried. Stay patient. It takes time to set the color of the spray paint.

Seal the finished project

Using a clear topcoat, seal the painting project. It will assist you to get the longevity of the paint. Remember to choose the proper topcoat according to the surface.

Cleaning up 

This is the last point of the guide on How to spray paint your hobby lobby. After all the work is done, cleaning the overall materials is the last thing to do. Clean the nozzles of the spray can. After the paint is set, you can wipe up the general wall with a dry, soft towel.


Q: Can I paint a wall with spray paint?

A: Yes. You obviously can. You can use spray paint, which is based on water, for your lobby walls. It is made with an environmentally friendly solution.

Q: Does spray paint damage walls?

A: Spray paint has harsh and toxic chemicals that will eventually erode the surface. Some dents and marks could appear.

Q: How long does spray paint take to dry?

A: It depends on the type of spray, actually. First, drying spray paint takes 5-10 minutes. And others take 30 minutes to 2 hours to dry.

The Bottom Line

We are about to the end of the guide. As we know, spray painting is a delightful way to color your lobby. Every artistic mind searches for a space to decorate with art. If it is a place that is filled with things that relate to his hobby, then painting the place or the wall becomes a dream.

Hopefully, this guide on How to spray paint your hobby lobby will show you the best possible way to transform your lobby into a piece of art. So grab your supplies, hold the can, and start painting your lobby.

Happy Painting!

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